“No one should have to endure harassment neither in the workplace nor anywhere. By working together we can create a culture of respect and dignity, where every individual is valued and treated with kindness.”


Leedonal ‘Jazz’ Moore

11:00 – 12:00 Performance & Institutions 

Leedonal ‘Jazz’ Moore (they/them) is participating in a call to action is vital for upholding democratic values in society. The democracy is built on the foundation of active citizen participation, where people have the right to vote, voice their opinions, make informed decisions, and hold their leaders accountable. Political inaction can lead to the erosion of these values and undermine democratic principles. Therefore, it is imperative for citizens to engage in political discourse and participate in the democratic process to ensure that their voices are heard, and their rights are protected. Without a call to action, democracy becomes vulnerable to authoritarianism, corruption, and abuse of power, which ultimately undermines the very fabric of society. Thus, participating in a call to action is crucial for preserving democratic values and ensuring that governments are accountable to the people they serve.


  • Democrats Abroad International Secretary
  • Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus Chair
  • European Tolerantia Award Winner 2016
  • Miss Drag Queen Switzerland 2008