Joëlle de Sépibus
11:00 – 12:00| Performance & Institutions
- Attorney-at-law – practice in two leading Swiss law firms (Geneva, Zurich) and at the Supreme Court of Switzerland
- Former Professor of European and international public law at the Universities of Fribourg and Bern
- Scientific publications focusing on climate change, carbon markets (EU ETS, CDM), electric power industry (smart grids), environmental State Aid (EU, WTO) as well as Swiss-EU relations
- Participation in the international climate negotiations (UNFCCC) within the EU Council Presidency delegation (Tianjin, Cancun) and as academic advisor (Copenhagen, Bonn, Doha)
- Broad experience as conference speaker
- Present interest in sustainable finance
- Education and Awards: Privat-docent PD (Habilitation to lecture) in European and International Public Law, PhD and Master of Law at the University of Bern, LL.M (College of Europe), Attorney-at-law, Awards for the best MLaw and the best-in-class high school diploma (Collège de la Planta, Sion)