
Joëlle Payom


Joëlle Payom is an advisor and lecturer on psychosocial and reputational risks related to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. 

After more than 15 years serving different matrix organisations in various sectors, in 2020 she founded Rezalliance is a non-profit organization, based in Geneva, composed of an associative entity (awareness, research and pro bono support), a business consulting firms and a technological platform that provides a safe place for people facing harassment and discrimination of all forms at work, to speak out and get support from vetted experts. Based on lived experience, Rezalliance federates an ecosystem made up of multidisciplinary experts in order to provide constructive and pragmatic solutions to an issue that concerns both businesses and the society. A systemic response to a systemic problem.

In 2022, co-initiated the “International day against harassment and for inclusion in the world of work” and the 1st celebration will take place in Geneva on 24 May 2023.

Academic background: Bachelor’s degree in foreign languages – Master’s degree in Business and Negotiation – a Master’s degree in Global Procurement –  Leadership certification (INSEAD)