By placing May 24, a day against harassment and for inclusion in the world of work on the international agenda, we invite all actors to consider not only the magnitude of the problem but also to organize themselves in view of inclusive, multifactorial, multitilateral, interconnected, interdisciplinary and transversal solutions.

Micheline Calmy-Rey
Former President of the Swiss Confederation in 2007 and 2011,
Member of the Swiss Federal Council (2003 to 2011) and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation
President of the Gymnastics Ethics Foundation

Elisabeth Moreno
Former Minister of Equality French Government 2020-2022
Former CEO of Hewlett Packard Africa
Former CEO Lenovo France

OLivier Sandoz
Deputy General Director –
(Fédération des Entreprises Romande Genève)
« Everything must be done to fight against all forms of discrimination and harassment within companies and society in general. It is a noble and essential mission. » Olivier Sandoz

Vincent Subilia
Director Général de la Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et des services de Genève (CCIG)
« Advocating for inclusion and fighting against harassment is a double battle that must be carried out on a daily basis to ensure a world of work worthy of the name » Vincent Subilia

Tal Schibler
President – Disability Home Foundation
« The international day against harassment and for inclusion in the world of work is obvious: over 365 days, it should be among the priorities and the question should rather be: how come it has not yet been placed on the world calendar ? » Tal Schibler

Roxane Sheybani
President of the Human Rights Commission –
Geneva Bar Association
« As long as politicians do not consider that it is up to the State to monitor on the one hand and to sanction on the other hand companies that practice harassment and discrimination, we will never achieve a solution. » Roxane Sheybani

Philippe Pozzo di Borgo
Writer whose story inspired the multiple
award-winning film “The Untouchables”
« The reality of human nature is that we are vulnerable. Common sense leads us to respect the other, because we need the other. Life only exists in the relationship to the other. » Philippe Pozzo Di Borgo

Kim Smouter
« There is an economic cost to exclusion for the society, it is important to have a day which puts the focus on these issues, to become more aware about the complexity, the expression and the prevalence of these issues. » Kim Smouter

Rokhaya diallo
Journalist, TV and radio presenter,
director and writer
« A common day during which we would reflect on the implications of harassment in the professional context. » Rokhaya Diallo
Crédit photo : © Mario Epanya
« Acting together for inclusive, high-performing organizations »
– Joelle Payom
« Impose an action beyond expressing an intention »
– Maya Dougoud